Substance Abuse in Teenagers
May 12, 2023

 Modern Day Workplace and Managing Stress

Contemporary times have given unlimited and untraceable access to substances to young kids and young adults. Research has shown that teenagers are most vulnerable to influence and can often turn to addictive substances without complete knowledge of how addictive or harmful they may be.

Substance abuse is no longer a problem limited to just urban communities; it is a grave problem being faced in both rural and urban settings, as the sale of alcohol, tobacco and drugs like marijuana has become rampant and often unsupervised. Children under 18, considered to be minors, are also being sold these aforementioned substances by illegal suppliers and shop owners alike. Vaping, which is the new form of substance consumption, often leaves no trace of smell or ash behind as cigarettes do. This makes it almost untraceable for adults to identify if their child is using a vape.


Say no to addiction

  1. The dangers of such substances are dire and can be fatal in terms of their long term and short term side effects, both physically and mentally. Not only do they damage the internal organs of the body, addictive substances lead to poor performance in school and poor relationships at home. These indications are also the key symptoms which can help teachers and parents detect substance use in teenagers. If you find a child presenting declining academic performance, changes in behavior with friends or family, poor sleep patterns and any other unusual behaviors, there could be possibility of substance use.


In this situation, it is imperative to seek professional help from your school counsellor or your family doctor who may direct you to a psychologist or an addiction specialist. It is also important to develop a safe space for your teenage child, so that honest and open communication can take place, because one of the most effective actions for substance abuse is to ensure early intervention.

Dr. Jinal Joshi